Shower Doors

Atlanta Shower Doors are a key element of the bathroom, transforming it from an ordinary bath to a relaxing oasis. There are a variety of options to consider, including glass style and hardware finish.

Shower Doors

Clear glass promotes transparency and shows off sleek shower fittings and tile or stone surfaces. It also easily reflects natural light throughout the room.

Shower doors come in a wide variety of sizes and designs. Glass is often the most popular choice for both residential and commercial showers, with framed and frameless options available. Glass shower doors can also be treated to add an extra level of durability and protection. For example, showerguard glass is a special type of coating that protects against water stains and corrosion.

Most shower doors are made from tempered glass, which is the safest material for this purpose. Tempered glass is produced by heating and rapidly cooling the glass, which changes its molecular structure and makes it much stronger than regular glass. When a sheet of tempered glass breaks, it crumbles into small pieces that are less likely to cause severe lacerations than sharp jagged shards.

Glass shower doors are available in a wide range of tints, allowing you to choose a color that suits your bathroom. Tinted glass offers a contemporary look and can offer privacy as well. Some people choose frosted glass for a more traditional appearance that obscures visibility while still letting light pass through. Others opt for a decorative raindrop pattern that gives the appearance of privacy without being fully opaque.

A textured glass option is cast glass, which is created by pouring molten glass into a mold. It offers a distinctive look and can be used to create a private shower stall. Other textured glasses include sandblasted glass, which has an extremely fine texture that allows light to pass through while offering a substantial amount of privacy.

Choosing the best glass for your shower doors is an important decision. A specialized type of glass called low-iron glass is a good choice for shower doors because it has lower levels of iron than regular glass, which decreases the natural green color that most clear glass has and enhances the clarity of the colour. Another great option for shower doors is starphire glass, which is a high-end choice that is crystal-clear and doesn’t show smudges or fingerprints easily.

There are also several different types of door handles and hinges to consider when selecting a shower door. Some of these are more convenient than others, and you should consider your lifestyle and the amount of space you have available when making this decision. If you have a frameless glass shower, for instance, the door will need to be able to open wider to allow you to enter the shower. This will require you to measure the distance from the top of the shower curtain rod or tile to the floor of the opening. You should also determine if you want the door to swing from the left or right side of the enclosure. This will affect how far you can reach the handle when you need to open the door.


If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly alternative to glass, acrylic shower doors are a good choice. They are durable and easy to maintain, making them a great choice for anyone who wants to update their bathroom without breaking the bank. They also come in a variety of colors and styles, making them the perfect fit for any bathroom style. However, there are some things to keep in mind when choosing acrylic over glass shower doors.

Acrylic is an excellent substitute for glass, as it is less likely to break and will retain its transparency even when very thick. It is also a safer material for your bathroom, as it will only bend or have a small dent rather than shattering upon impact. It is also easier to install, as it is much lighter than glass and does not require large steel supports or a large crew to handle.

Another advantage of acrylic is that it can be easily shaped and cut to accommodate any shape or size. This makes it a great option for homeowners who are looking for a custom look or need to fit a unique space. It also has a higher level of light transmittance than glass, which means it will allow sunlight to saturate your bathroom and brighten up the room.

Like glass, acrylic is very durable and will last for decades with proper maintenance. It is also easy to clean, as it can be wiped down with a non-abrasive cleaner. It is also scratch-resistant, so it can withstand frequent use. However, it is important to note that acrylic does not withstand abrasions as well as glass, so it is important to be careful when cleaning your shower doors.

Choosing the right shower enclosure is an important decision that will affect the appearance, safety, and functionality of your bathroom for years to come. Glass enclosures are more expensive and require a higher level of skill for installation, but they offer superior durability and longevity. On the other hand, acrylic is cheaper and simpler to install, but it offers fewer benefits and a shorter lifespan than glass. In the end, it is a personal decision that comes down to your priorities and budget. To make an informed decision, speak to a qualified professional who can help you decide which option is best for your Bonnie Lock home.

Stone Resin

A shower enclosure is an excellent way to add a luxurious touch to your bathroom. There are a wide variety of enclosures available to match your style and fit any size bathroom. Framed, semi-framed and frameless enclosures are all available in a range of colours and styles. Some of the more popular options include glass doors which can come in frosted, tinted or clear variations and have a modern look that works well with most décor.

Stone resin is a great option for those wanting a high-end finish to their shower and it offers a number of advantages over other materials such as acrylic. This material is very durable and carries a beautiful sheen that will raise the value of your home. It is also easy to clean and won’t stain or chip easily. The only downside of this option is that it can be quite heavy and expensive but it does offer a lot in return for its price.

One of the best things about a stone resin tray is that it doesn’t need to be sealed, which can save you time and money in the long run. However, it is still a good idea to use a sealant to keep the water in and prevent moisture from building up, allowing mold and mildew to form.

There are a number of different ways that you can fit your new shower tray, but the most common is to have it fitted by an installer. This will cost you more than if you do it yourself but is a great option if you’re not confident in your DIY abilities.

You can also choose a riser panel and leg pack to go with your new tray which allows you to stand in the shower at a more comfortable height. This is particularly useful for those with limited mobility or who have difficulty getting up and down from the floor of their home.

Once your shower tray is in place it’s a good idea to get started on the rest of your bathroom. You’ll need a spirit level, pencil, shovel or trowel and a mix of sand and cement-mix at the rate of five sand to every one cement. This will allow you to make sure the walls and floors are level and plumb when your shower is finished.

This shower tray from Mira is made to the highest standards and comes with a 10-year guarantee for peace of mind. This rectangular tray has a solid stone resin core that’s capped with outstanding high-gloss, impact and scratch resistant acrylic. It has a waste which enables the water to flow away from the tray at a rate of 25-30 litres per minute and it comes in a white finish that matches the rest of the tray.